Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The back pain issue

I've decided to switch to blogger from MS live as it seems I can do more here. Well, as you know from reading my previous blogs, I've been dealing with major back/neck/shoulder issues on my left side. It has affected my training. This past weekend was tough. I did the Dam loop ride on Saturday and it was painful. Bearable, but still painful, and I know I did not go as fast as I could have. Aside from the pain, it was a pretty good ride. (I only got honked at once)
Unfortunately, I only managed to run 4 miles on Sunday. I've attached a picture of the trail run that I decided to do with the Austin Hash. That was around 4 miles, and then I went to Lady Bird Lake to run more and the shoulder was just bothering me too much.

Today, I went and got trigger point injections in my back. It's still sore, and I decided to take the day off from working out. The pain is somewhat diminished, the true test will be to see how it feels when we do mile repeats tomorrow night. Swimming has been pretty good. I actually can't feel the pain when I swim. I'm going to try really really hard to get up and make the 5:30 am swim tomorrow morning. It's just so hard to get up at 5 am, and I have to have everything laid out and ready to go the night before, which if anyone knows me, knows that I do not like to organize or pack so it's tough. I'll let you know what happens!

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