Sunday, March 15, 2009

Things seem to be getting better

I've been remiss in writing on my blog. A lot of it has to do with the whole brouhaha that erupted from one of my posts. I'm still amazed at the immature behavior that was exhibited by some of my fellow triathletes. If you don't like something someone says, the nice thing to do is to privately tell that person something like "hey, what you wrote bothered me", or "wow Laurie, I'm sorry you feel that way, is there anything I can do to help?" That's what I usually do, or I just respect that person's opinion and don't say anything. I don't go and post snide comments for the world to see on facebook targeted at that person, and I certainly don't start spreading nasty lies and enciting others to act out negatively towards that person. Anyways, what is done is done, and hopefully we can all move on.

In terms of training, I think things are going well. I ran my first ever 15 mile distance yesterday, and the weather was absolutely perfect for it. :)
I ran slowly and didn't worry about my speed or pace. I'm running a comfortable 10 minute mile pace, at least for the first 10 to 13 miles. That makes me feel good. I've scheduled a ton of sessions on the computrainer to do the actual CDA course and I'm a little concerned that the hills are going to make this a difficult ride for me. I was hoping to be able to do the ride in 7 hours, but after doing some of it on the computrainer, I'm starting to realize that that may not be possible. It's hard being slow. I'm not doing an ironman to get an amazing time, and I'm certainly not trying to qualify for Hawaii. My body just wasn't built to be fast. It's hard to train with so many really fast people. Believe it or not, being slow seems to be in the minority of this group. The coaches had an info session today where they talked a lot about nutrition and race pace, and they were saying things like you may not run a 7 minute mile, that it is more realistic to try and run an 8 minute mile. Er.... gee, I'll be lucky if I can sustain a 10 minute mile for the whole marathon. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do that. Kind of embarrasing huh. People ask me why I'm doing an ironman if I"m so slow...

1 comment:

  1. A lot of those people that plan on running 8 minute miles will end up running 12 minute miles. Don't worry about it because it'll all be the same when Mike Riley says "Congratulations, you are an Ironman!"
