Well, it's crunch time and my big adventure is almost here. Tomorrow I do my last long run... 18 miler on tap, and then it is taper time! Woo Hoo!! Last weekend, I did a 92 mile bike ride on Saturday, a 15 mile run on Sunday, and a 2 mile swim on Monday. I'm tired all the time and I'm ready to get this over with.
I also have two more weeks to raise money for my charity. My dad passed away in February from Colon Cancer, so to honor his memory, I decided to raise money for the Colon Cancer Coalition. When I first came up with the idea, I had grandiose dreams. Raising $10,000 didn't seem too far out of my reach. Erin Truslow, helped me come up with the idea of asking for $1 for every mile of ironman, which comes out to $140.60 per person. I figured, surely I could get 100 people to donate that amount.... I was wrong. Dead Wrong. This is why I am not in sales, I suck at asking people for money. Except my mom will disagree with me on that, but I digress... Getting my friends to even donate $10 was like pulling teeth. The majority of the money I have raised have come from either friends of my dad's or from acquaintances that I barely see that I have somehow managed to touch with my mission. Don’t get me wrong a few friends have donated and I am extremely grateful for their generosity and a big thank you to all of you. I just wish that I had a better personality. I wish I had the charisma to charm my 250+ facebook friends into donating $10 each. I will never do this again, and I need to stop feeling like I am a failure at everything. In my last post, I posted a phrase that someone had said to me, about not needing to do an ironman to prove that I'm not a failure in life.... Failure seems to be my nemisis. I've been feeling sorry for myself the last two days, because I lost a job to someone who gave a better presentation than I did. The non profit, that I was really excited about, really made me go through a lot of hoops and called all of my references spending 30 minutes with each one, now I get to call all of my references and tell them that I didn't get it because the other girl gave a better presentation than I did. They made us give an hour long presentation to the marketing department, and I did a good job... just not good enough.... Let's hope that I am good enough to cross the finish line in Kona....